Political Leaders and the Mental Health Issues

As part of elections updates, there are arguments gathered from the impeachment investigation about the candidacy of Donald Trump as presidential candidate of the Republican party in 2020. The whole troupes of the US and the international opinion were aroused by Trump’s appointment last 2016. Because of this, most were feared the results.

An outspoken opposition to Trump was created even prior to the election. Their opposition was based on the assessment of Trump’s psychopathology. This discussion continues and progresses stating that Trump’s mental capacity poses a great peril to the US government and to international stability.

The continuation of the impeachment investigation is a coexistence of Trump’s mental concerns that is already receiving more attention. However, it is still of deepest controversy to discuss the mental health issues of political icons. This is also rooted from the “Goldwater Rule” which states that a psychiatrist, or even the mental health billing, offering a professional opinion relating to public figure is being unethical unless they are authorized to do so.

Importance of Discussing the Mental Health of Political Leaders

Concerns regarding the mental state of political leaders are valid reasons that need to be acted upon. Here are the reasons why discussing the mental health status of political leaders are really important.

Potential danger to the nation

Leaders of the society with mental incapacity may not be able to perform office duties and may even put danger to the nation.

There are political leaders with narcissistic personality disorder and sometimes showing of malevolence, lack of empathy, and aggression. This kind of leaders who have two disorders may not be able to put the country’s interests before their own. Political leaders lack of empathy could often make decisions that could have offered harmful consequences for the republic.

The ladder to authority

Another controversial topic related to mental health of politicians is the dangers of rising the leaders to power or authority. This rise needs three elements in order to sore high. The three elements include the leaders having psychological disorders, basic numbers of supporters, and a surrounding that is applicable to the elevation of authority.

Looking for a remedy

Usually, dangerous political leaders sore high to authority does not only give credit to their psychopathological issues. This also involves factors such as the underlying cultural, economic, and political justification for their glamor.
