How To Build A Politicians Profile: Social Media and Politics

In some parts of the world, many political parties are getting ready for the next election, may it be for the presidential or local elections. Many politicians have taken a look at building their profiles online for many reasons. The top reason could be that the internet offers a lot of opportunities and exposure. Thanks to Barrack Obama who won the presidential race by using the power of social media during his time. While you too can use this strategy, you can also experiment with link building by using top link building services.

In this post, let’s talk about the best practices when building your presence online (through social media) as a politician. From Sprout Social, we have curated some important best practices that you can use as a politician or a political campaigns manager.

Social Media and Politics

1. Engagement through video

An alternative to the traditional news coverage, social media live video allows people in politics to broadcast their own broadcasts and still have interactions with constituents in a timely manner.

To illustrate, many political figures took to frequent live streaming on Online social networks like Facebook in an effort to connect to voters as well as non-voters too. Instead of just talking to voters, live video coverage promotes both significant and warm discussions.

Live social online video is particularly effective for small, local political figures who want to talk about conditions that may not be getting key news exposure.

2. Count in Social Platforms intended for the youth

Many political accounts are usually visible on Twitter and Facebook.

This approach makes sense because based on demographics, these social media platforms are where most of the voting audience is at.

But while this is a good approach, it is still a good idea to reach out to the younger audience. Counting the Millenials and the Gen Z in your list of target audience gives you a wider coverage because these generations represent a population of growing voters who are taking an interest in activism.

You see, there is not a single platform when it comes to politics and social media. This also shows the importance of posting your content to as many social networks as possible for the sake of expanding your reach of possible voters.

3. Always remember that not everyone is interested in political agenda

While your goal as a political figure is to grow your online exposure through social media, you still have to take note that not everyone is pleased with political accounts. Survey shows that political accounts are by far the most annoying as seen by the majority of the public.

Well, some people are not just interested in politics and do not want to be part of it in any way even if they are qualified voters. These type of people have their own reasons and we can call them passive voters.

Many political accounts are blocked by many users on various social media platforms. Don’t be offended. It’s not personal. Just put your focus on your goal and engage with people who are interested in your cause.

4. Get more shares by way of visual content

Videos and infographics are reported to have the most shares among all social content. The advantage of publishing visual content gets your marketing campaign account before more voters because it is the perfect content for sharing. Shared content in social media can result in fresh followers. It’s the digital person-to-person sharing or referral strategy.

There are various ways to expand your reach online. But really, it all goes down to content. So make your content relevant. Diversify your posts, don’t just stick to all-political posts. Non-partisan posts work. And don’t forget to make it more visual so that it becomes more engaging. Finally, try to post daily if you can.
