Need For More Care Beds For Older People
In India alone, there had been an estimated 3.5 million need for care beds and 3 million doctors. Nontraditional solutions will have to be adopted by the government in order to accommodate this need. While the best mattresses in India can be provided for the elderly, the Indian government will have to rethink how to come up with the funds needed to supply this.
In Styria, studies on the care plan have shown that Styria needs additional 2310 care beds by 2020 due to the rapidly increasing proportion of older people. In the future, these will be approved precisely where they are needed.
Around 80 percent of all people in need of care in Styria are cared for at home. In order to make it easier for the caring relatives to work, State Councilor Edlinger-Ploder is planning a number of innovations.
Planned Innovations In Elderly Care Management
Mobile home nursing and day centers are being expanded. Case and care management should provide comprehensive advice and organize the optimal forms of care. Pilot tests will be carried out to determine whether anchoring to the district government or to the health center in the facility is more effective.
Assisted living is being expanded and conditions are being improved. The options for short-term care in the nursing home or transitional care in the hospital are being expanded and care service (the 4th service) for relatives is being installed.
Relatives’ advisory councils in nursing homes and at the state level are set up. Nursing relatives should be integrated into an advisory capacity and the wishes and concerns of the nursing staff and their relatives should be conveyed.
There is a blatant shortage of qualified personnel – also because many specialists are employed in hospitals. A personnel development plan is now to be drawn up. At the same time, Edlinger-Ploder wants to create a new group of employees, the “domestic service”, in the area of hospitals for non-nursing work, in order to free qualified staff for nursing homes and home nursing. New skills are defined and training courses are prepared.