Politics is an extremely complex area of human relations. These interests are often mutually exclusive. Nowadays, this term is often used to refer to various types of influence and leadership. Politics is defined as a sphere of activity related to the distribution and exercise of power within the state and between states in order to achieve the security of society.
In the broadest sense, politics is interpreted only as activities to organize the joint life of people in society, as a necessary and useful management in this regard. And political relations – as a system of relations between people, which arise and develop precisely about the organization and functioning of state power.
The existence and status of a policy depends on a number of factors. These stable necessary factors, or connections, are the laws of politics . These connections include the following:
The policy is built by the one who lacks security: in benefits, including in life and health, in social status, communication, etc. Who possesses large resources dictates the conditions of political (collective) existence; that is, the one who is less interested dictates.
The dependence of the joint security of the community on the fairness of the distribution of social positions of the subjects of politics. Security has three main elements. Social security implies the preservation of the existence of the subject in a certain status. Economic security means having access to livelihoods.
Politics as a social phenomenon
- traditional , when politics is determined through the state and people’s participation in the implementation or opposition of power;
- sociological , within which politics is interpreted in the broadest sense, as any type of social activity associated with the independent leadership of people, the distribution of benefits and resources, the settlement of conflicts, etc. In the traditional approach, politics appears as a special, different from others, state-power sphere of public life and is realized in it.
the scope of the struggle for power and the way of exercising this power; science and art of public administration; method of producing legal social orders and instructions, etc. In the sociological approach, politics as a public activity is not necessarily associated with state power, and, therefore, does not form a special sphere of public life.
It is present everywhere, and any phenomenon or action acquires a political character insofar as it “affects the organization and mobilization of resources necessary for the implementation of the goals of a particular team, community, etc.” Therefore, they often say: “Wherever you go, politics is everywhere.” She is present even in the family, when a smart wife controls her husband in such a way that it seems to the latter that he is the master of the house, although in fact he is under his wife’s thumb.